2 Knowle Road, Sparkhill
Birmingham B11 3AW
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Contact Us
Call +44 7541 318278
For the Needy
Our Journey Video
As founders, we envision a world where everyone, irrespective of their circumstances, has access to clean water, education, healthcare, and the essential necessities required for a life of dignity.
Please see the ‘Welcome Message’. Also, our regular news-letters keep you up-dated. Or, send us an email to
Yes, insha’Allah via emails. Please remember to provide your email address so we can send replies to your questions.
We shall store your email address confidentially and will not pass it on to anyone else.
You can click here to make a selection
You shall hear from us through email. You can also view video messages on our site from those you have helped. Donations are catalogued on our website gallery (with your permission).
We aim that every penny of your donation is spent on your intended purpose.
Please provide your email address or mobile phone number to stay in touch with us.
All regular supporters receive our free monthly news-letter via email or direct messages to their mobile phone.
Please remember to register your interest in becoming a new supporter of our projects by sending us a message stating your name, age and email or mobile number to:
Please email us on
Please contact us directly. You can also visit the website for www.fundraisingregulator
Kindly send any testimonials directly via our site. Please also send suggestions on how we can improve our efforts?